Sticky Keys on Vista is a great assistive technology for those with limited mobility. For students with celebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, and any sort of limitited paralysis. It is really helpful because it eliminates the need for multiple buttons to be pressed at once, such as Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Instead, Sticky Keys allows the user to press one at a time, allowing limited mobility.
The Magnifier tool on Vista is a very basic but great assistive technology tool for users with visual impairments. The tool provides a magnifide screen that can be adjusted to whatever size that stays on you Desktop. Then, as you open documents, they remain visable beneath or above the magnifier, allowing you to see what is open while using the magnifier to magnify the text and browsers. The Magnifer also includes an "Invert Colors" feature which adjusts the browsers colors, allowing those who cannot deal with great contrast a great solution to use their computer effectively.