Sunday, October 4, 2009

Quia Shared Activites

The website featured:

Created by Quia Corportation, this section of their site includes assessments and review activities for any course; from mathematics to martial arts. Simliar to, Quia Shared Activties has several activities for material review and learning, including puzzles, crosswords, hangman, etc..

This sharing center provide these activities and assessments which have been provided by teachers who use them in their classroom. For specific chapters or concepts, it provides a list of textbooks or resources to specify your search. Each search result includes the author, a description, feedback, and a copy of the activity or answer key (when necessary).

This resource is very helpful for teachers looking for review activities or assessments. It includes feedback and materials that other teachers have used in their classroom that were successuful enough to post on the site.

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